High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
Thyme is known more for its use as an herb, but also makes an attractive and aromatic groundcover. Sometimes referred to as Thymus pseudolanuginosus, Thymus lanuginosus is a low water-use thyme for the hot dry areas that rarely flowers.
Consider using it or other species as a lawn substitute for sloping areas with poorer soils, or just for its ornamental value. Although I took this picture in Angel Fire, New Mexico, a thyme lawn or garden will do well in the Texas Panhandle. Thyme works well between flagstones, in a Mediterranean garden and in a rock garden. Thyme needs six hours of sun to thrive well and flower. There are numerous species and varieties available for whatever your needs are, either locally or through the Internet and catalogs.
Sun, sun/part shade groundcover, edging or border plant. In addition to a low water-use groundcover, other thymes may require medium irrigation and be suitable for herb gardens, pollinators garden (bees), or rock gardens. Accent plant in between pavers or containers.
No maintenance required.