Berlandiera lyrata

Latin Name: Berlandiera lyrata
Common Name: Chocolate flower, lyre leaf green eyes
Mature Height (ft): 12-18"
Mature Width: 12-18"

Mature Shape

Low mounding.
Mulch: Inorganic.

Plant Type: 

Flower Color: 

Flowering Season: 


Cold Hardiness: 

Heat Zone: 

Ideal Sun Conditions: 

Water Requirement: 

Soil Requirements: 


Native to the Texas Panhandle, the south and into northern Mexico. Strong chocolate scent fills the morning air. Xeric herbaceous perennial with a deep taproot. Flower closes up during the heat of the day, staying open during more moderate days. Good choice for naturalizing. Best to keep soil on the lean side, will grow leggy in amended soil. Reseeding profusely. Cut back flower to base at end of June if it becomes too leggy. Within weeks, it'll grow back and begin flowering again.

Use in Garden

Xeric bed or border. A shortgrass prairie. Full sun. Native plant garden. Fragrant garden.


Cut back flower to base at end of June if it becomes too leggy. Within weeks, it'll grow back and begin flowering again. Low feeder, grows and flowers under poor conditions.