High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
A long-lived evergreen penstemon for the average bed or border. Small orange red tubular flowers attract hummingbirds, as do most red tubular flowers. Low growing and longer flowering than most, especially the more mature the specimen.
After several years, the pine needle like foliage can resemble a miniature bonsai. Pineleaf penstemon is also a must-have for the low water-use bed or border or rock garden because of its evergreen foliage and longer blooming nature. In late summer, snip off the dried, spent flower heads; some re-blooming may occur.
‘Mersea Yellow’ is a yellow variety, as well as other shades of orange to near true red.
Near the front of a low water-use sunny bed or border. Western cottage garden. Rock garden.
Snip off spent flower head in late winter.