Tanacetum niveum

Latin Name: Tanacetum niveum
Common Name: White Bouquet Tansy, Silver Tansy
Mature Height (ft): 18-30"
Mature Width: 18-24"

Mature Shape

Mulch: Inorganic.

Plant Type: 

Flower Color: 

Flowering Season: 


Cold Hardiness: 

Heat Zone: 

Ideal Sun Conditions: 

Water Requirement: 

Soil Requirements: 


A non-invasive tansy from southern and central Europe for your low water-use bed and border that will reseed somewhat. A short lived perennial. Gray cut-leaf foliage provides an attractive white element in the garden.

Strongly aromatic.

Use in Garden

Sunny xeric bed, mid location. Fragrant garden.


 Judicious deadheading is recommended, rather than severe. Just clip the flower stems. It will flower sporadically, not profusely, during the summer.