High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
First class native wildflower for your low water-use location whether you live in the city or country. No soil amending is even needed for Engelman's daisy, but you might want to improve the drainage if you soil is compact, or amend with some organic matter for caliche soil. Toowell amended soil will cause E. pinnatifida to grow too tall and gangly. If this happens, cut down nearly to the ground at the end of June, or mid July. It will grow back and begin flowering within 3 - 4 weeks. Will reseed some. Move seedlings while they are young as Engleman's daisy develops a deep taproot.
Native plant garden, Western cottage garden. Mixed drought tolerant bed or border.
Too well amended soil will cause E. pinnatifida to grow too tall and gangly. If this happens, cut down nearly to the ground at the end of June, or mid July. It will grow back and begin flowering within 3 - 4 weeks. Clean up spent foliage in late winter.