High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
Scabiosa columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’, though first discovered in Ireland, will thrive very nicely in your transition zone as a border plant along turf, where it’ll receive medium to medium high water. Amend the soil well with organic matter for rich blooms and keep it deadheaded to prolong blooms. Afternoon shade is recommended. A little more trouble than usual, but well worth the softening effect this compact, mounded and cheery plant brings to the border; a Perennial Plant of the Year for 2000.
When kept moist and deadheaded, it will bloom into fall. Butterflies love it.
There is also a 'Pink Mist' with a pleasant pink pincushion flower, 'Pink Lemonade', golden margin on green leaves and pink flowers, and S. columbaria ochroleuca, yellow pincushion flower.
Sun to part shade in medium water-use zone near the front of the bed or border. Butterfly garden.
It pairs well with Dianthus gratianopolitaus ‘Feuerhexe’ (Firewitch), Perennial Plant of the Year for 2006 and coreposis for a nice effect.
Topdress with 1 inch compost in spring and fall. Deadhead to promote repeat blooming.